Friday, November 26, 2010

less is more here in Maui

            Greetings from Maui! I've been here for almost 3 weeks now and its quite beautiful. I've got my summer glow back already due to the amazing weather that occurs daily here. Sunny and 80's most days and on those days where the temperatures drop to the 70's and there are a few clouds in the sky I hear "bad weather" come out of my roomates' mouths. I hope to never take for granted the weather here, although, truth be told there are some days I wish the air was a bit more brisk so i could curl up next to the fire with a sweater, some tea, and a good book. I suppose you can take the girl out of New England but you can't take the New England out of the girl. I have plenty of time to live back east, the rest of my life presumably, so for now I'm ok with an extended vacation-like stay on the island of Maui.

            The fashion here is simple really, lots of clothes that seem to be falling off the girls. Over sized tee's, and super tight cotton/spandex mini skirts can be seen on most girls walking in town. Town being Paia, where I work and play mostly. It's an adorable little town with so many little boutiques to keep my retail addiction thriving. My favourites are Nuage Bleu, Biasa Rose, Imrie, Mahina, and Wings Hawaii. Wings Hawaii is my most favourite for sure, housing everything made by girls who live on Maui from jewelry to amazing bathing suits, dresses, hats. It is all either made, sewn, created, or altered by people from town.

Until next time. Aloha!

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