Straw Tote: J. Crew outlet
Particular Grace
Simple Beauty
Thursday, July 14, 2011
There is this thing called the moon and it really affects me when it's full. It starts with a disruption of sleeping patterns that results in my eyes popping open every morning at 4,6, and finally 8 am. This is fairly accurate almost to the second. I can't explain why it happens but it does. Then I start to feel increasingly nutty from about three days before the moon is full until finally my nuttiness reaches an apex and I am more of less certifiably insane. I think the moon affects most people, maybe not in this way or as extreme, but an affect non the less. The weather has been beautiful but very hot. The heat is very wet and heavy and it's easiest to be in some sort of body of water if at all possible. This is why I'm so very glad that I'm moving in about two weeks to my very own wonderful little apartment which comes complete with private beach rights and a view of the ocean. Yay me.
Alternative Apparel,
J. Crew,
Urban Outfitters
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Love is all, from what I've heard, but my heart's learned to kill
That my friends is a lyric from The Tallest man of earth, a band that I can't stop listening to at the moment. Today was a scorcher and my productivity level was through the roof interestingly enough. Lots of things got done today yet the list seems to not have changed in length. It feels like the second I accomplish something, another thing takes it's place. On a completely different subject i have to say that technology and me just do NOT get along. Everything i touch that could be considered technological turns to shit. Mother boards fry, screens crack, batteries instantly lose power. Its really quite a phenomena. It all just re-affirms the fact that i missed my era. Books and records and simplicity is where its at. Its raining today and im coming down with a cold. Id love to lay in bed and watch movies all day but alas i must work.
Friday, June 10, 2011
a good friend and an old bike
Okay so the bike is refurbished and the friend is more like great than good, but you get the point. Sunshine sundresses and two gals that couldn't be more awkward in front of a camera if we tried. Sarah and I tried our best but often times found ourselves making faces at the camera and goofing off. The sun started to get a bit too hot and bright towards the end and Sarah and I found ourselves unable to keep our eyes open without squinting but the shoot was (mostly) a success. I've been super busy lately with my new job, which I love. The work I'm doing is so fulfilling that I never find myself dreading going to work. The kids I work with are awesome and it's so wonderful to know I'm making a positive impact on their lives. The only thing I've found to be a bummer is the lack of socialization with people my own age. I rarely ever see co-workers, and when I do it's only for a couple of minutes in passing. The beach, my bike, farmers markets, a great job.....What more could a girl ask for? Portland seems to be accepting me with open arms and I'm really digging it. The travel bug is certainly still present. I find myself looking up flights to London, California, Ireland etc. at least once a week, but it's hibernating (at least for now.)
Monday, May 23, 2011
aint no sunshine
Bill Withers must have had a couple weeks of weather like this back when he wrote this song. The rain and cloudy gloom has been persistent for at least two weeks now. I guess that's what I get for moving home prematurely from Maui. Despite the drizzly bits falling from the sky and the not so hot temps for May I'm doing ok. Sun would be nice but rainy weather always allows me to get in touch with my creative side for a moment and put my outdoorsy self on hold. So writing and arts and crafts have been prevalent lately. The new job is just peachy and the paychecks are nice too. Good things are on the horizon in most departments of my life so I can't complain too much. A new children's book about Maine endangered species is in the works right now, research is fun for stuff like this. Nature walks and Audubon books make this gal happy! I really do love learning and wish it was more accessible after high school, i think someone effed up when they decided everyone should have to pay to learn things. Self learning isn't as great but its way cheaper so for now the library and my brain are my best friends.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
spring awakening
I have to say as of late i've been rather busy. Life is rolling along on this roller coaster and i've just finished climbing the hill, i'm slowly rolling over the apex that will send me screaming down towards the earth. Not in a bad way though, in a head rush adrenaline pumping kind of way. A new job, a new location, and spring all at once. And that's just the big stuff! I've also got a new bike and some new outlooks on life. Next on my list is a new place to live. I'm lucky to have wonderful friends who tolerate my guest room crashing ways. But i'm ready to have all of my stuff in one place and when that happens I've decided on couple of things I'll need.
First of all i will need this old pallet cart coffee table from a flea market in Brunswick
I envision my little beach cottage with a nice little lilac bush out my window
and then of course a little fella to keep me company
First of all i will need this old pallet cart coffee table from a flea market in Brunswick
and also an old industrial rolling cart from the antique shop across the way from the flea market
I envision my little beach cottage with a nice little lilac bush out my window
and then of course a little fella to keep me company
Monday, April 11, 2011
The grass is looking greener.....
not just on the other side, but everywhere today. The rain came in the night last night accompanied by loud claps of thunder and supposedly lightening. I heard the thunder in my slumber but wasn't aware enough to see the lightening. Anyway, the rain washed away the salt and sand from the melted snow to reveal a little more green on the ground today, still no visible buds up in the trees but I bet they are soon to follow! Spring is a wondrous time of year, and even though I had a very limited time in which i had to deal with the New England winter I am happy to see signs of spring.
I spent the past couple of days in Portland Maine looking for a place to live and finalizing some job type things. Friday night I ventured to a show with my good friend Sarah to see a band I absolutely adore (Brown Bird) and I stumbled upon another musical genius (Al Scorch) who I would kindly describe as the Jolly Green Giant of banjo players and also a comic in his own right. At one point in between songs his banter had me in tears I was laughing so hard.
On another note, I have to say I've been without a huge portion of my closet for about 5 months now and its really driving me nutty. You see, I sent a huge box out to Maui when I moved there, and since I moved back only 3 months later I had the box basically returned to sender but the sender (me) has yet to see the box yet! Frustrating to say the least! So with my new job on the horizon I've been window shopping online and this is what I've come up with!
Super flowey feminine dresses and tops in airy fabrics. High waisted bottoms and lots and lots of wedges. These looks are from Anthropologie, Madewell, and the shoes are Born. I need a shopping spree, bring on the hours of working!
I spent the past couple of days in Portland Maine looking for a place to live and finalizing some job type things. Friday night I ventured to a show with my good friend Sarah to see a band I absolutely adore (Brown Bird) and I stumbled upon another musical genius (Al Scorch) who I would kindly describe as the Jolly Green Giant of banjo players and also a comic in his own right. At one point in between songs his banter had me in tears I was laughing so hard.
On another note, I have to say I've been without a huge portion of my closet for about 5 months now and its really driving me nutty. You see, I sent a huge box out to Maui when I moved there, and since I moved back only 3 months later I had the box basically returned to sender but the sender (me) has yet to see the box yet! Frustrating to say the least! So with my new job on the horizon I've been window shopping online and this is what I've come up with!
Super flowey feminine dresses and tops in airy fabrics. High waisted bottoms and lots and lots of wedges. These looks are from Anthropologie, Madewell, and the shoes are Born. I need a shopping spree, bring on the hours of working!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
yester year
First let me say that I'm awful at this blog thing. It confounds me why, I love writing and I love fashion but I think that maybe writing about fashion just isn't enough for me. I have found lately that I'm obsessed with a simpler life, or the concept of one atleast.
Technology overwhelms me and at the same time I would find it hard to go a day without a computer and a cell phone. I would be ok without a television, I could even possibly go without electricity for some time. I love nature and I think that if it were easier to pack up my bed I would, in fact, love camping. I love everything about camping except sleeping on hard surfaces. Call me what you will, princess and so on and so forth. But I adore everything else about the "roughing" it lifestyle. The camp fire, the fresh air, the starry sky, and most of all the fact that, while camping, conversation comes easier due to lack of distraction. I often times find myself multi-tasking to a fault. Not able to even sit down and watch an entire movie without checking my cell phone, or opening up a new tab on my computer to search something or other.
I've been obsessed with the past lately. I think I would've really loved sitting around and listening to the radio, records, I love old movies, I love old music, I love old fashion, I love old cars, and old furniture. The list goes on. I would've enjoyed being made to play an instrument and learn about literature. And reading Keats, and Lord Byron and Wordsworth.
So I shall, just years later. I'm making it a point to try to live a little bit simpler every day. And enjoy the treasures of yester year that are on a daily basis shadowed by modern technology.
I took a walk down the street I grew up on the other day, took a couple of pictures that are telling of what I think bliss is.
Technology overwhelms me and at the same time I would find it hard to go a day without a computer and a cell phone. I would be ok without a television, I could even possibly go without electricity for some time. I love nature and I think that if it were easier to pack up my bed I would, in fact, love camping. I love everything about camping except sleeping on hard surfaces. Call me what you will, princess and so on and so forth. But I adore everything else about the "roughing" it lifestyle. The camp fire, the fresh air, the starry sky, and most of all the fact that, while camping, conversation comes easier due to lack of distraction. I often times find myself multi-tasking to a fault. Not able to even sit down and watch an entire movie without checking my cell phone, or opening up a new tab on my computer to search something or other.
I've been obsessed with the past lately. I think I would've really loved sitting around and listening to the radio, records, I love old movies, I love old music, I love old fashion, I love old cars, and old furniture. The list goes on. I would've enjoyed being made to play an instrument and learn about literature. And reading Keats, and Lord Byron and Wordsworth.
So I shall, just years later. I'm making it a point to try to live a little bit simpler every day. And enjoy the treasures of yester year that are on a daily basis shadowed by modern technology.
aromatic trees
my favorite childhood spot
my driveway
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